A Selected Bibliography of Anglicanism in China



Journals in English

Chinese Recorder (1867-1941)

Church Missionary Gleaner (1849- )

Church Missionary Intelligencer (1849-1906)

Church Missionary Review (1907-1927)

Spirit of Missions, 1836-1939

Outpost, 1920 – 1982


Books in English and other Western Languages

----. Account of the American Church Mission in Shanghai and the Lower Yangtse Valley. Revised edition. New York: Church Missions House, 1900.

-----. The Bishops of the American Church Mission in China. Hartford, CT.: Church Mission Publishing Co., 1906.

-----. Constitutions and Canons of the Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui Together with the Report of the General Synod, and the Report and Resolutions of the Conference of the Anglican Communion in China and Hong Kong Held at Shanghai, April 18th-26th, 1912. Shanghai 1912.

-----. A History of the Dublin University Fuh-Kien Mission, 1887-1911. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis & Co, 1911.

-----. An Historical sketch of the China mission of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A. from the first appointments in 1834 to include the year ending August 31st, 1884. New York, Foreign Committee. 1885.

-----. “Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future: Anglican-Episcopal History in China and Its Impact on the Church Today.” 2012. A CD-ROM in Chinese and English containing academic papers, photographs and other materials from the international academic conference hosted by the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, Hong Kong, 2012.

Allen, R. The siege of the Peking legations, being the diary of the Rev. Roland Allen ... With maps and plans. London, Smith, Elder, 1901.

Baker, G. The Changing Scene in China. New York, Friendship Press,1948.

-----. Bishop Speaking: Addresses by the Right Reverend John Gilbert Hindley Baker, Bishop of Hong Kong and Macao, 1966-1981. Hong Kong, Ye Olde Printerie,1981.


-----. Flowing Ways: It Happened to Us in China. Dorking, UK: 1996. privately published by Joan H. Baker


Banister, W. Twentieth Century Impressions of Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Other Treaty Ports of China: Their History, People, Commerce and Resources. A. a. H. A. C. Wright. London, Lloyd's Greater Britain Publishing Company, 1908.


Barnett, S. W. and J. K. Fairbank. Christianity in China: Early Protestant missionary writings. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1985.


Bays, Daniel H. A New History of Christianity in China. Malden, MA: Wiley- Blackwell, 2012.


-----. Christianity in China: From the Eighteenth Century to the Present. Stanford,  CA: Stanford University Press, 1996.


Boone, M. The Seed of the Church in China. Philadelphia: Pilgrim Press, 1973.


Broomhall, Marshall. The Bible in China. London: China Inland Mission, 1934.


----. W.W. Cassels: First Bishop in Western China. London: The China Inland Mission, 1926.


Burdon, John Shaw. “A Letter to His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury.” Hong Kong: St. Paul’s College, 1877.


Chan-Yeung, Moira M.W.  Lam Woo: Master Builder, Revolutionary, and Philanthropist. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2017.


The Practical Prophet: Bishop Ronald O. Hall of Hong Kong and His Legacies. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2015.


Chen Ruiwen. Fragrant Flowers Bloom: T. C. Chao, Bliss Wiant and the Contextualization of Hymns in Twentieth Century China. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlangenstalt, 2015.


Chen, Yongtao. The Chinese Christology of T. C Chao.  Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2017.


Chiu, P.K. Patricia. A History of the Grant Schools Council. Hong Kong: Grant Schools Council, 2013.

Chiu, Patricia P. K.  and Angela Wai Ching Wong, editors.  Christian Women in Chinese Society: The Anglican Story.  Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2018

Coe, John. Huachung University. New York: United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, 1962.

Correspondence in Connection with the Protest against the Consecration of Rev. W. J. Boone as Missionary Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of American in China also Letters Referring to the Wretched Management of the Mission. Shanghai: 1885. 

Craighill, Marian G. The Craighills of China. Ambler, PA: Trinity Press, 1972.


Dunch, R. Fuzhou Protestants and the Making of a Modern China, 1857-1927. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001.


Eber, Irene. The Jewish Bishop and the Chinese Bible: S. I. J. Schereschewsky (1831-1906). Leiden: Brill, 1999.

Endacott, George B. and Dorothy E. She. The Diocese of Victoria, Hong Kong: A Hundred Years of Church History, 1849-1949. Hong Kong: The Standard Press, 1949. 


Fung, Vincent H. Y. From Devotion to Plurality: A Full History of St. Paul’s College, 1851-2001. Hong Kong: St. Paul’s College Alumni Association, 2001.


Fung, Yee Wang and Chan-Yeung Mo Wah Moira. To Serve and To Lead: A History of the Diocesan Boys' School in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2009.


Glüer, Winfried. Christliche Theologie in China: T. C. Chao: 1918-1956. Missionswissenschaftliche Forschungen. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus Mohn, 1979.

Gray, G. F. S. with Martha Lund Smalley. Anglicans in China: A History of the Zhonghua Shenggong Hui (Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui). New Haven: The Episcopal China Mission History Project, 1996.


Gray, Arthur R. and Arthur M. Sherman. The Story of the Church in China. New York: Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, 1913.


Graves, Frederick R. Recollections. Shanghai: 1928.


Gwynn, R.M. A History of the Dublin University Fuh-kien Mission, 1887-1911. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis & Co., 1911.

 -----. "T.C.D." in China : a history of the Dublin University Fukien Mission, 1885-1935. Dublin: Church of Ireland Printing and Publishing Company, 1936.


Hall, R. O. China and Britain. London: Edinburgh House Press,1927.


Hall, R. O. T. Z. Koo: Chinese Christianity Speaks to the West. London, SCM Press,1950.


Hewitt, G. The Problems of Success: A History of the Church Missionary Society, 1910-1942. London: SCM Press,1971-1977.


Huang, Quentin K. Y. Now I Can Tell: The Story of a Christian Bishop Under Communist Persecution.  New York: Morehouse-Gorham, 1954.


Koh, Roland. The Chinese Anglicans in the Four Seas. Kuala Lumpur,1955.


Kwok, Pui-lan. Chinese Women and Christianity, 1860-1927. Atlanta, Ga., Scholars Press, 1992.


Kwong, Paul. Identity in Community: Toward a Theological Agenda for the Hong Kong SAR. Munster: ContactZone/Lit Verlag, 2011.


Lamberton, Mary. St. John’s University, Shanghai, 1879-1951. New York: United Board for Christian Colleges in China, 1955.


Latourette, Kenneth Scott. A History of Christian Missions in China. London: SPCK, 1929.

Lee, S. K. The Cross and the Lotus. Hong Kong: The Christian Study Centre on Chinese Religion and Culture, 1971.


Li, Florence Tim-Oi. Raindrops of My Life: Memoirs of Florence Li Tim-Oi. Toronto: Anglican Book Center, 1996.


Lin, Jennifer. Shanghai Faithful: Betrayal and Forgiveness in a Chinese Family. Lanham: Rowan and Littlefield, 2017.

Lin, Mei-Mei. “The Episcopalian Missionaries in China, 1835-1990.” PhD Diss., University of Texas at Austin. 1994.


Ling, Vickie W. K. “Be Thou My Vision: A Comparative Study of the Decision-Making Body for the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui.”
Master of Laws (Canon) Dissertation.Cardiff University, 2015.


Moule, Arthur Evans. Story of the Chekiang Mission of the Church Missionary Society. London: 1885.

Muller, James. Apostle of China: Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky, 1831-1906. New York: Morehouse, 1937.

Norris, Frank L. China. London: A. R. Mowbray & Co., 1908.


----. Handbooks of English Church Expansion in China. London, Oxford and New York: A. R. Mowbray, 1908.


-----. Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui: Its Origin and Development: A Memorandum. Shanghai,1930.


Paton, David. Christian Missions and the Judgment of God, 1st ed. London: SCM Press, 1953.


------. The Life and Times of Bishop Ronald Hall of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: The Diocese of Hong Kong and Macau & the Hong Kong Diocesan Association, 1985.


Pong, J. T. M. Worldly Ambition versus Christian Vocation: Autobiography of a Chinese Bishop. Taipei, Taiwan Episcopal Church,1977.


Richmond, Annette B. The American Episcopal Church in China. New York: The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, 1907.


Schereschewsky, S. I. J. The Bible, Prayer Book, and Terms in Our China Missions. New York: W. F. Humphrey, 1888.


Scott, P. M. The Anglican Church in North China. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1914.


Seton, Rosemary. Western Daughters in Eastern Lands: British Missionary Women in Asia. Santa Barbara, California: Praeger, 2013.

Slater, Frances. The Wolf Sisters of Foochow China: Born to Evangelise. Frances Slater and John Fitzgerald, 2015.

Smith, Carl T. Chinese Christians: Elites, Middlemen, and the Church in Hong Kong, new edition. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2005.

Smith, C. Stanley. The Development of Protestant Theological Education in China. Shanghai: Kelley and Walsh,1941.


Smith, George. A Narrative of an Exploratory Visit to East of the Consular Cities of China and to the Islands of Hong Kong and Chusan in behalf of the Church Missionary Society in the Years 1844, 1845, 1846. London: Seeley, Burnside and Seeley. 1847.


-----. The Jews at K'ae-Fung-Foo : being a narrative of a mission of inquiry to the Jewish synagogue at K'ae-Fung-Foo, on behalf of the London society for promoting Christianity among the Jews. Shanghai, London Missionary Society,1851.


-----. Ten Weeks in Japan. London: Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts,1861.


Stauffer, M. The Christian Occupation of China, a general survey of the numerical strength and geographical distribution of the Christian forces in China made by the Special Committee on Survey and Occupation, China Continuation Committee, 1918-1921. Shanghai: China Continuation Committee. 1922.


Stock Eugene. The History of the Church Missionary Society: Its Environment, Its Men and Its Work, vols I - 3. London: The Church Missionary Society, 1899.

-----. Story of the Fukien Mission, Church Missionary Society,1882.

-----. The History of the Church Missionary Society: Supplementary Volume the Fourth. London: The Church Missionary Society,1916.


Strong, Rowan. Anglicanism and the British Empire, c. 1700-1850. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.


Strong, Rowan, ed. The Oxford History of Anglicanism. volumes I-V. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017-2018.


Tiedemann, R. G. Handbook of Christianity in China.  Vol. 2. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2010. 


-----. Reference Guide to Christian Missionary Societies in China: From the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 2009.


Tsu, A. Y. Y. Friend of Fishermen. Ambler, PA: Trinity Press, 1965.


Walmesley, Lewis C. Bishop in Honan, Mission and Museum in the Life of W. C. White. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1974.

Wan, Sze-kar. “The Chinese Prayer Book” in The Oxford Guide to the Book of Common Prayer, edited by Charles Hefling and Cynthia Shattuck. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.


Wang, Xiaochao, ed. The Collected English Writings of Tsu Chen Chao: Works of T. C. Chao Vol.5. Beijing: Zongjiao wenhua chubanshe, 2009.


Ward, K. A History of Global Anglicanism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.


Wei, Francis C. M. “Synthesis of Cultures of East and West.” In China Today Through Chinese Eyes, Second Series, 74-85. London: Student Christian Movement, 1926.


Wei. Cho-min. The Spirit of Chinese Culture. New York: Charles Scibner’s Sons, 1947.


Wickeri, Philip L. ,  “Clergy Training and Theological Education: The Anglican-Episcopal Experience in China.” Yale-Edinburgh Conference, History of the Missionary Movement and World Christianity. New Haven: 2011.


----- ed. Christian Encounters with Chinese Culture: Essays on Anglican and Episcopal History in China. ed. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2015.


----. Reconstructing Christianity in China : K.H. Ting and the Chinese Church (Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 2007.


-----. Seeking the Common Ground : Protestant Christianity, the Three-Self Movement, and China's United Front. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1988.


-----. Unfinished History: Christianity and the Cold War in East Asia. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsansalt, 2016.


Whyte, Bob. Unfinished Encounter: China and Christianity. London: Fount Paperbackes, 1988.


Wolfendale, Stuart. Imperial to International: A History of St. John’s Cathedral, Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2013.

Wylie, A. Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese: Giving a List of Their Publications, and Obituary Notices of the Deceased, with Copius Indices. Shanghai, American Presbyterian Mission Press,1867.


Zetzsche, Jost Oliver. The Bible in China: The History of the Union Version or The Culmination of Protestant Missionary Bible Translation in China.
Nettetal: Sankt Augustin, 1999.


Reports of Meetings of the General Synod of the Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui 

CHSKH.  Report of the 1st General Synod.  Shanghai. April 10-26, 1912.  35pp.

CHSKH.  Report of the 2nd  General Synod.  Shanghai. April 14-22, 1915. 96pp. 

CHSKH.  Report of the 3rd General Synod.  Shanghai. April 7-13, 1918. 90pp. 

CHSKH.  Report of the 4th General Synod.  Wuchang. April 17-25, 1921. 116pp.

CHSKH.  Report of the 5th General Synod.  Canton. March 16-22, 1924. 128pp.

CHSKH.  Report of the 6th General Synod.  Shanghai. April 21-28, 1928. 182pp. 

CHSKH.  Report of the 7th General Synod.  Hangchow. April 25- May 2, 1931. 100pp. 

CHSKH.  Report of the 8th General Synod.  Shanghai. Wuhu, April 21-29, 1934. 118pp. 

CHSKH.  Report of the 9th General Synod.  Foochow. April 17-25, 1937. 88pp.

CHSKH.  Report of the 10th General Synod.  Shanghai. August 23-31, 1947. 60pp.


Journals in Chinese








Books of Common Prayer (selected Chinese editions)


《教會禱文》。北京:美華書館, 1872. translated by Burdon and Schereschewsky)

Burdon, John Shaw.《教會禱文》。香港:聖保羅書院1879

Schereschewsky, Samuel Isaac Joseph.《教會禱文》。上海:聖約翰書院,1880

Moule, G. E.公禱全文》 上海,商務印書館,1910


《公禱書》。香港:中華聖公會港澳教區, 1938

《公禱書》。 福州 1949





For a partial listing of Chinese Prayer Books, see 潘乃昭:公禱書的翻譯與聖公命名的歷史關係, “Prayer Book Translation and the Birth of the Sheng Kung Hui.” (http://anglicanhistory.org/asia/skh/, accessed 26 August 2014)


Books in Chinese



古愛華著,鄧肇明譯。《趙紫宸的神學思想》。香港 : 基督敎文藝出版社,1998



李添嬡。《生命的雨點——李天愛牧師回憶錄》。 香港:聖公會宗教教育中心1993


林步基等編。《中華聖公會江蘇教區九十年歷史(1845-1935)》。江蘇教區議會: 1935 


劉喜松。《中國首家痲瘋醫院:北海普仁醫院醫史再發現》。廣西:廣西人民出版社,2014[Liu Xisong. The First Leper Hospital Year in China: Rediscovering the History of Pakhoi Po Yan Hospital. Guangxi: Guangxi People’s Press, 2014.] 








魏克利(Philip L. Wickeri)、陳睿文。《萬代要稱妳有福——香港聖公會聖馬利亞堂史(1912-2012)》。香港:基督教中國宗教文化研究社,2014 










恩嗣等編。《中華聖公會江蘇教區九十年歷史(1845-1935)》。江蘇教區議會, 1935 









Schereschewsky, S. I. J.《舊約全書》。北平 美華書院, 1874

Schereschewsky, S. I. J. 《舊約聖詩》。北平:美華書院,1874




Important websites on the Anglican-Episcopal Tradition in China


Archives of the Episcopal Church



Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity (in Chinese and English)



Church Missionary Society Archives



CSCA Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui Source Documents



Hong Kong Baptist University, Archives of the History of Christianity in China



Hong Kong Government Records Office (Chinese and English)



The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (Anglican Church) (Chinese and English)



The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Archives (Chinese and English)



Lambeth Palace Library and Archives



Shanghai Municipal Archives (in Chinese only)



USPG Papers and Archives



Yale Divinity School Library, Special Collections
