- 香港聖公會檔案館
- 歷史研究中心
1. 港澳內地聖公宗史;
2. 香港聖公會教堂史研究;
3. 香港聖公會主教史研究;
4. 聖公會與中國社會研究(如醫療、教育、社會福利面相);
5. 聖公會婦女研究;
6. 聖公宗藝術研究
Philip L. Wickeri. Biography of Bishop Gilbert Baker(白約翰主教傳). Hong Kong: Hong Kong
University Press, forth-coming
Tim Yung. A Short Biography of Charles Ridley Duppuy, Bishop of Hong Kong(杜培義主教傳略). Hong Kong: Religious Education Resource
Center, forth-coming).
Philip. L. Ruiwen Chen. Thy Kingdom Come: A Photographic History of Anglicanism in Hong Kong,
Macau, and Mainland China(尓國臨格:港澳及內地聖公宗圖片史). Hong Kong: Hong Kong
University Press, 2019.
Ruiwen Chen. A Short Biography of Bishop John Shaw Burdon. Hong Kong: Religious
Education Resource Center, 2018.
Philip L. Wickeri,
ed. Christian Encounters with Chinese
Culture: Essays on Anglican and Episcopal History in China(基督教與中國文化相遇:在華聖公會論文集). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University
Press(香港大學出版社), 2015.
Stuart Wolfendale. Imperial
to International: A History of St. John's Cathedral Hong Kong(從帝國到國際:香港聖約翰座堂史). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press(香港大學出版社), 2013.
Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung. Bishop Ronald O. Hall of Hong Kong and His Legacies (實事求是的先知:香港聖公會何明華會督的遺教). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press(香港大学出版社), 2013.