New Book Published

Date: Thursday 19 Jul 2018

Ruiwen Chen, A Short Biography of John Shaw Burdon, Bishop of Hong KongHong Kong: Religious Education Resource Center, 2018) 



 Bishop John Shaw Burdon (1826-1907) was a missionary pioneer in Shanghai, Peking, Fujian (Fukien) and Pakhoi sent out by the Church Missionary Society (CMS) of Great Britain. He participated in Chinese society during the late Qing Dynasty as a missionary, an English teacher, a scholar as well as a bishop. With his persistent conviction, firm faith, and long-term translation work, he became one of the most outstanding bishops in the history of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui. Due to his special contribution on the jurisdiction of the Diocese, the enduring value of his literary work, and his foresight for the Church, Burdon became an example of our broad church tradition in Hong Kong.