Our interns Eric and Kenneth visited Holy Trinity Cathedral, KowloonWalledCityParkand SCMP Archives

Date: Monday 06 Aug 2018

Our interns Eric and Kenneth visited Holy Trinity Cathedral on August 6, 2018. Revd Chan Kwok Keung introduced Cathedral’s historical development and its contextualized architecture carefully. After that, these two interns also visited  Kowloon Walled City Park to investigate the mission and contribution by the first Chinese Anglican priest Kwong Yat-shau. On 2nd August 2018, our interns also visited the South China Morning Post Archives in Taipo with HKSKH Archives colleagues. The Assistant Director of Content Resources and colleagues of the SCMP Archives showed their depository and introduced their collections, daily operation and general state of records management and conservation to us. The interns benefited a lot from the visit and through the visit they have got better understanding of the work of local archives.